• Research Centers and Institutions Scientific research in the sphere of Business Administration

Scientific research in the sphere of Business Administration

The Business Research Center of GAU's Business School focuses on the most important and scientifically new thematic studies of quantitative finance and Risk management problems. The results of the study are widely used in the sphere of financial business, namely by Banking institutions, insurance companies and stock exchange. 

  • Scientific materials collected by the center are effectively used in the teaching process of the university. Namely, PhD, Master’s and Course works. Reports and dissertations are prepared on the basis of the center's materials.
  • The students of the Business School conduct practical work at the center under the supervision of the Scientific personnel of the center. The results of their work are published and presented at university conferences.
  • The center conducts conferences periodically, where the institute personnel present scientific work together with the invited scientists.
  • The center publishes the results of scientific studies regularly, both in impact-factor international magazines and Georgian scientific periodicals.