Kathleen a. Frankovic Visits GAU

By the initiative of the US Embassy, on April 12, one of the world’s leading experts in public opinion polling Kathleen a. Frankovic was a guest speaker at Georgian American University. 

During this public lecture Kathy mainly talked about why polling is important in a democracy (and what polls have taught us about this year's U.S. Presidential election.)

According to her argument polling is the key for democracy. Why? First, it is voice for people, as well opportunity; second, it is information and understanding needs and wants of either political parties or of people; and lastly it is available to everybody no matter of race or gender. 

She roughly mentioned issues that are going on with Georgian elections right now. Lecture "The importance of polling and analyzing polling data" was followed by Q&A, where she answered very interesting questions about polling and its nature, as well talked about U.S. presidential elections and what we could expect based on polling data.

Kathleen a. Frankovic Visits GAU Kathleen a. Frankovic Visits GAU
Kathleen a. Frankovic Visits GAU Kathleen a. Frankovic Visits GAU