• Evaluation System GAU Business School

Evaluation System

Accumulation of credits by the student is possible only through successful completion of the course (according to the syllabus) and receiving positive assessment, established by legislation.The maximum assessment is 100 points.

Students’ assessment is determined by the following evaluation system:

Positive assessments:

(A) Excellent - 91 and up;

(B) very good - 81-90 of the maximum assessment;

(C) good – 71-80 of the maximum assessment;

(D) satisfactory – 61-70 of the maximum assessment;

(E) enough – 51-60 of the maximum.

Negative assessments:

(FX) didn’t pass – 41-50 of the maximum assessments;

(F) Fail – 40 or less of the maximum assessment;


Students with grade FX have the right to retake the final exam.

Students with grade F must retake the course.

Students can take the same course only twice during the whole learning process. Not only students with negative assessment (grade FX) can retake the course, but also students with positive assessments, who wish to improve their grades.

During the course, students are assessed throughout the entire semester. Accordingly, students’ final evaluation represents the sum of interim assessments and final exams.

In order to determine the students’ final rankings and to encourage them at the end of the learning process, cumulative score (GPA) is cumulated (cumulative score calculation is also performed at the end of each semester).

The cumulative score is calculated as follows: the quantitative indicator of student’s grade in each course is multiplied by the number of credits for this course, and then the total is divided by the number of credits accumulated by the students.