BMB Social Project for Secondary School Students

Professional orientation and career development - this was the subject of BMB course which was held at Lamis Kana Public school. Students of Business Administration shared their own experience, fails and achievements during their career pathswith the students. 50secondary school students attended the lecture.

With these pictures you are able to see not only the meeting itself but also the situation in this school. Unfortunately there are no proper conditions for studying. The purpose of GAU and BMB social project is to support children with such conditions. At the end of the meeting GAU presented the students with books of modern Georgian literature.

BMB Social Project for Secondary School Students BMB Social Project for Secondary School Students
BMB Social Project for Secondary School Students BMB Social Project for Secondary School Students
BMB Social Project for Secondary School Students BMB Social Project for Secondary School Students
BMB Social Project for Secondary School Students BMB Social Project for Secondary School Students
BMB Social Project for Secondary School Students BMB Social Project for Secondary School Students